100 Entrepreneurial Women — What’s the Startmate Fellowship like?

Steph Leahy
4 min readOct 11, 2020

We are only a few weeks in, and I am already seeing the value and impact the Startmate Fellowship has had on my network, career & confidence. I came into the program ready to breakdown the constructs of the corporate world, and best position myself for success in my career in startups and that’s exactly what I am getting. I have had the opportunity to personally connect with countless founders, CEOs, and thought leaders in the startup space. The cohort itself has also been a phenomenal part of the program- 100 women who are self-starters, curious thinkers and in general great humans.

To delve a little deeper, the Spring2020 cohort is made up of 100 epic women from Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The program welcomes members from leading startups across Australia (founders, c-suite, talent acquisition and more) to share their stories and open the floor up to a AMA (ask me anything) style discussion. Sophia Witherington, Michael Batko and the Startmate team have done a fantastic job bringing in mentors and coaches that are genuinely motivated to foster incredible and diverse talent into Australian startups.

A few highlights so far:

1. Fellowship Alum, Lucy Wark - GM @ Eucalyptus

Fellowship Alum and all round legend, Lucy Wark is a sponge of knowledge when it comes to the startup and VC landscape in Australia. She gave us the pep talk we all needed going into the Startmate Fellowship- how to navigate the program and get the most out of the it as well as nuggets of wisdom from her journey into startups.

2. Katherine McConnell, CEO @ Brighte

A direct, real and no bs advice session. It was awesome hearing about challenges, wins and the big (but smart) risks taken during her journey. Katherine spoke about what her corporate experience taught her, how those skills have translated fluidly to startups and how/why she took the leap into founding her own company- Brighte.

I admire Katherine’s focus, she is diligent and insanely driven but still keeps culture at the forefront of everything she does. In her words “The job of the CEO- set the strategy, set the culture & manage the capital”. She also encouraged us to surround ourselves with a supportive community, and this is what excites me most about the Startmate Fellowship.

Thanks to Lisa Main & Cat Sietkiewics (fellow fellows..) for capturing a couple of the quotes that resonated with me.

“Don’t live your life by the labels people put on you, don’t get boxed”

“Back yourself — you are a good investment.”

3. Meet the coach!

During the program, we are each paired with a coach. Veterans in the startup space that invest their own time to help others. For me, this reinforces my thoughts on the nature of the startup community; the generosity and willingness to share knowledge in order to foster and continue to grow the existing landscape in Aus.

My coach, Rob Deeming, has an incredible story and is an exceptional leader in his own right. He has held pivotal leadership roles managing teams upwards of 60 as well as successfully exiting multiple startups in Australia and in the US. Our first catch up was a tidal wave of helpful information, I left the session feeling encouraged and confident. My approach to coaching/mentoring is to be as prepared as possible, understand what you want to learn but also keep an open mind and see where the conversation takes you. Sometimes the best wisdom comes from a unexpected tangent!

4. Mindfulness with Craig Davis, Startup Coach, Co-Founder @ Sendle

I often find it difficult to rest and focus my mind, there is always so much happening it can be hard to slow down and take a moment for yourself, to recentre and reset. Meditation and mindfulness is something I have actively been putting time aside to practice. So for me Craig’s session was a welcomed reminder to take moment to focus during what was a full on week! Being kind to yourself and working on your own self development is so important. Thank you Craig a gentle reminder to reflect, breathe and reset.

What’s to come!?

This week is set to be huge! I am beyond excited to announce my new position, we have a fantastic talk planned with Simon & Abena from Who Gives A Crap, I have another coaching session booked with Rob Deeming ANDDD Startmate Demo Day kicks off October 15th!

Overall, I have been constantly impressed by the generosity of everyone within the Startmate community. I am thrilled to be a part of the program and looking forward to the continuous stream of knowledge!



Steph Leahy

CEO @ Vaux.io a part of Mawson.io portfolio 🎙 My passion is connecting people in tech. Remote work fan, climate & sustainability advocate and travel lover 🌍