The BEST way to track your job applications! ✔

Steph Leahy
3 min readOct 5, 2020

Where did I save that tailored resume? And that personalised cover letter? How long ago did I apply for that job? Is it too soon to follow up? Who was the hiring manager again…?

Job hunting is not easy! How do you keep track?

Anyone who knows me knows I have a love affair with Notion. It is absolutely brilliant for reading lists, note taking, goal setting, travel plans — I could go on all day.

Speaking to job hunting junior devs recently, it got me thinking about what resources there are for recording job applications. After a bit of research I wasn’t surprised that Notion had a slick template for a Personalised Job Tracker.

Let’s break it down into a few key headings explaining why this job tracker rocks. Here is the beautiful template:

A home for your generic resume and cover letter.

Easily save your resume for quick access. If you use Canva, a third party program or even Google Docs you can paste links in this area too.

Add every applied or interested job to the table

Each row = a different job you have applied for or want to apply for.

It is easy to add your customised resume as a new attachment in each row. When you get an interview you can see when you applied, your tailored CV and cover letter as well as any notes you’ve saved about the company (more on that below).

TIP You can also add the original job add URL. Personally I would edit this column to save the job add as an attachment rather than a URL. If the job gets removed or expires, you still have the original copy to go back to prior to interview.

I would also change the due date column to “date applied” so you start to build a timeline of applications.

You can customise the columns any way you like. Add a contact column to track who the manager/recruiter is, add a notes column to track what happens during interview/testing. Go crazy, notion is your oyster 🎉

Save your research about the company.

You probably applied for this job for a reason… What do you love about the company, what value can you bring. I love this feature!!! You can add anything you like about the company and revisit the notes anytime.

In closing, it is so important to be tailored in your approach to job hunting. To stand out you must customise your resume and cover letter to embrace the values of the company and reflect the role you are applying for. This tool will help you keep organised while you manage this stage in your career.

HERE is the link to the template.

As always, keen to hear how you manage your job applications and if this information was useful. Give it a share or leave a comment 😊

Happy job hunting!



Steph Leahy

CEO @ a part of portfolio 🎙 My passion is connecting people in tech. Remote work fan, climate & sustainability advocate and travel lover 🌍